Tag Archives: Tail Red

(Mini) Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Review: Quality Assurance

It’s what happened to Date A Live II.

My first experience with Twintails came from stumbling upon it’s high quality art in my usual raid through multiple image boards. When I heard it was getting an anime, I didn’t know what to think of it since I was never the one for genderbend. I will admit though, (and believe it or not, even with my poor coverage) I enjoyed it.

Now the only problem remains within the studio that got this out.

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Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Episode 6 to 10- Sweet QUALITY Batman

This will be very short for a few reasons.

  1. Summarizing the “plot” of this is just tedious to say the least but also very awkward for me
  2. As if people actually read what I write for this series
  3. I’m already around a month behind.

Another thing that hinders me is something noticeable that any watcher of this series should have noticed. If the title didn’t give it away, the quality of animation has dipped considerably in these episodes so that alone makes discouraged me from updating as pictures (aka: the only thing going for this series) look awful sometimes.

So let’s just get into it and by that I mean time for me to post pictures that were saving for me.

Continue reading Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Episode 6 to 10- Sweet QUALITY Batman

Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Episode 3&5- More Girls

I’m really late on this one but it somehow turned out in my favor. Why might I say that? Well I honestly expected them to introduce the girls with each episode but they decide to play around with more insane ideas before introducing a new girl. So it lends itself to establish something before introducing something so I give it credit for that.

Laziness has obviously gotten hold of me these past few weeks but I was legitimately busy but then you would wonder why I would pump out Bahamut and Chaika that requires actual descriptions and summaries. The thing is, I’m actually good with those while writing about comedy isn’t my forte.

So to hell with actual summaries, I’ll just speed through these because god knows people are watching this for all the pretty stuff. Expect pictures and minimal writing you hear?

Continue reading Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Episode 3&5- More Girls

Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Episode 1&2- Absolute Insanity

Stupidity done so right that it becomes amazing.

Like I always say, a seasonal harem is something that I choose to watch for mindless entertainment. Sometimes, the experience is good sometimes, not so much. I think whether or not the series taking itself too seriously is one of the major factors when it comes to enjoyment. Thankfully enough, Twintails here knows of its stupidity and puts it into overdrive.

It’s my guilty pleasure of the season and it doesn’t hold back.

I’m afraid this will be a short worded and awkwardly written post while having an overload of pictures so you have been warned.

Continue reading Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu Episode 1&2- Absolute Insanity