Music of the Week #495

Oh hey, i’m one time

My current game project is on standby because I’m busy going through the boss rush mode to unlock its rewards. March is done and over with in record time, hard to believe I had a spare moment to play DMC5 like two years ago in the middle of the busiest times of the year for me. With April coming, we can hopefully wait for the eventual news on that Jojo announcement and finally get Stone Ocean’s anime be a thing. I usually talk about how All Star Battle had superior voice-work on some characters but Part 6 admittedly didn’t feel as “fits like a glove” feeling as the others did. Sho Hayami did Pucci in ASB but he’s already Vanilla Ice in the anime.

We’re not quite there on the Tubba Blubba theme but his castle did give me some kid-anxiety way back when because there’s a light stealth element right from the get-go. Tiny little saucer like enemies who you cannot engage in combat drags your ass out the castle doors if you get caught and you need Bow’s hide ability to avoid them. Beyond that, the castle hallways are littered with spiked club wielding minions who deal impressive damage early on. You have the option of sneaking past since they’re asleep on the job but they do wake up if they hear you.