Music of the Week #649

That didn’t last long.

Within a week of the previous post, I managed to get Unicorn Overlord and have been playing it a dangerous amount. While there’s nothing overtly profound about the experience aside it from being so jam packed with stuff to do and things to consider with its automated gameplay, it’s an incredibly addicting game. I haven’t had the moment where I stared at a units stat screen and just PONDERED about the combinations I could make in long time.

In the vein of walking around fantasy-land and helping towns, the towns of Zelda II are a welcome change in atmosphere, especially with how desolate the first Zelda was with any trace of civilization. Canonically everyone in Hyrule simply moved north to avoid the monsters and simply built the towns there. It’s wild to me how the NES could even support walking NPCs that made it really feel like a bustling town. Although, the things to do in town are usually 2 healing spots, a wiseman to teach you a spell, and plot relevant NPC to tell you something. Then there’s a town where the residents are actually monsters in disguise, that gave me trust issues as a kid.

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